Mattu University

Yuunivarsiitii Mattuu

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Mattu University


    Mattu University (MaU) is third generation public universities in Ethiopia, which was established in 2011 GC in the ever-green vicinity endowed with untapped natural resources

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Exit Exam Schedule የመውጫ ፈተና ከረቡዕ ጀምሮ መሰጠት ይጀምራል። በዚህ ፈተና ወቅት ከተማሪዎች እና ከፈታኞች ምን እጠበቃል ?- ተፈታኞች ወደ መፈተኛ ክፍላቸው ሲመጡ ማንኛውም አይነት ስልክ፣ ስማርት ሰዓት ፣ ታብሌት ፣ ላፕቶፕና ... ወዘተ ተመሳሳይ ኤክትሮኒክ ቁሳቁስ መያዝ በፍፁም የተከለከለ ነው። (ይዞ የተገኘ ፈተናው /ውጤቱ ተሰርዞበት በቀጣይ ጊዜ እንዲቀመጥ ይደርጋል)

Mattu Campus Posted on Feb 13, 2024

ለድጋሚ (Re-exam) ተፈታኞች በሙሉ የካቲት 6/2016 ዓ.ም ጀምሮ የሚሰጠውን የመውጫ ፈተና ለመፈተን በመጠባበቅ ላይ ለምትገኙ የ ድጋሚ (Re-exam) ተፈታኞች በሙሉ የመፈታኛ የይለፍቃል (Password) ከታችበተዘረዘሩት አማራጮች ማግኘት የምትችሉ መሆኑን እንገልጻለን።

Mattu Campus Posted on Feb 09, 2024

በ2016 ዓ.ም የሪሚዲያል ፕሮግራም ትምህርታቸውን በመቱ ዩኒቨርሲቲ እንድትከታተሉ የተመደባችሁ አዲስ የሪሚዲያል ተማሪዎች የመግቢያ ጊዜ ጥር 20 እና 21/2016 ዓ.ም መሆኑን ዩኒቨርሲቲው ያሳውቃል፡፡ ማሳሰቢያ፦ ስማችሁ ከ A-B የሚጀምር የተፈጥሮ ሳይንስ እና ማኅበራዊ ሳይንስ ተማሪዎች ምዝገባችሁ በበደሌ ካምፓስ እንደሚከናወን እንገልፃለን፡፡ ወደ ዩኒቨርሲቲው ስትመጡ ልትይዟቸው የሚገቡ፦ ➭ ከ8-12ኛ ክፍል የትምህርት ማስረጃዎች ዋናውና ኮፒው፣ ➭ አራት ጉርድ ፎቶግራፍ፣ ➭ ብርድልብስ፣ አንሶላ፣ የትራስ ጨርቅ እና የስፖርት ልብስ፡፡ ቀድሞም ሆነ ዘግይቶ የሚመጣ ተማሪን የማናስተናግድ መሆኑን ችንገልፃለን! የመቱ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ሬጅስትራር ፅ/ቤት

Mattu Campus Posted on Jan 16, 2024

Hawaasa Yuunivarsiitii keenyaa hundaaf Baga Ayyaana Qilleetiin nagaan isin gahee. Ayyaanichi kan jaalalaa, kan nagaa fi kan gammachuu isiniif haa ta'uu. ለመላው የዩኒቨርሲቲያችን ማህበረሰብ በሙሉ እንኳን ለገና በዓል በሠላም አደረሳችሁ፡፡ በዓሉ የሰላም፣ የደስታና የፍቅር ይሁንላችሁ፡፡ To All Our University Community. We wish you a happy, loving, and joyful Christmas.

Mattu Campus Posted on Jan 07, 2024

As University President, my Christmas wish to the community is for an abundance of joy, unity, and growth. I wish for everyone, students, faculty, staff, and local residents, to experience a holiday season filled with love, kindness, and understanding.

Mattu Campus Posted on Jan 06, 2024

Memorandum of Understanding signed between Mattu University and Armauer Hansen Research Institute

Mattu Campus Posted on Jan 06, 2024
21 Feb 2024

ELIP TRAINING February 20/2024 (PERD) The 3rd round ELIP training for teachers on the theme” English for instructional purposes training program” has been started.

Venue: training
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A Technical Review of Two Newly Designed Soft wares

Apr 18, 2024

April 17/2024 (Public & International Relations)

Two newly developed soft wares by Mattu University's instructor and ICT Directorate are technically reviewed by today. The first software is "Learning Management Systems (LMS) or E-Learning Systems which is expected to serve as central hubs for course content delivery, communication facilitation between instructors and students, and academic resource management. It is said that this LMS is a free and open-source platform which is customizable solutions for the university enhancing online learning experiences through interactive activities, multimedia content, live training, quizzes, discussion forums, exams, certificates, and more. The second software is named "Timetable Management Software Systems" which automates and optimizes scheduling processes of the university. As to the developer, this software eliminates manual timetable planning, enhancing efficiency for administrators, teachers, and students. It enables easy input of course schedules, teacher availability, room assignments, and more.

Both software systems have been presented to relevant stakeholders, and comments and suggestions have been forwarded for their betterment before their presentation to the university's managing council for approval.

We are dedicated to serve the community!

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Mattu University indurated kindergarten at Bacho District budgeted over 12 million birr.

Apr 11, 2024

6th of April, 2024 (Public and International Relations) 

Mattu University's commitment to community service and societal development was prominently displayed with the inauguration of a state-of-the-art kindergarten in Bacho district. The completion of this project marks a significant milestone in the university's mission to address societal challenges and contribute positively to the community.

During a grand
ceremony attended by local leaders and residents, including Bacho district administrator
Mr. Mohammad Hassan, the university showcased its dedication to research and
community service. Acting President of Mattu University Dr. Badilu Teka,
representing the university, emphasized the institution's commitment to
producing high-quality graduates who contribute meaningfully to society. He
underscored the university's belief in addressing educational challenges from
the grassroots level, exemplified by the investment in the kindergarten.

Former university president Dr. Endegena Abebe congratulated the residents of Bacho
and urged them to cherish and responsibly utilize this valuable educational
asset. Officials from the Head of Ilu Aba Bor Zone Administration Office Ato
Biresa Geleta and Head of Ilu Aba Bor Zone Educational Office Ato. Melaku
Amente expressed gratitude to Mattu University
for its contribution to the community. They emphasized the importance of
utilizing the kindergarten effectively to provide early childhood education and
coordinate efforts to establish feeding programs for students.

Named after the
renowned artist Hachalu Hundesa, the kindergarten boasts four standard
classrooms, a principal's office, a teachers' staff, a student canteen, modern
restroom facilities, a fenced perimeter, waste disposal systems, electricity, reserve
water tank, and ample outdoor space for recreational activities. This comprehensive
infrastructure reflects Mattu University's commitment to providing a conducive
learning environment for young learners in Bacho district. The university
allocated more than 12 million birr to build this kindergarten.

We are Dedicated to Serve the Community!

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Mattu University Inaugurates 3-Block Poultry Building Project

Apr 08, 2024

Mattu University Inaugurates 3-Block Poultry Building Project 

April 8/2024 (Public and International Relations

Mattu University recently inaugurated a 3-block building project for poultry farming purposes, aimed at supporting community members who left their land for the university's establishment. The project includes a 3-block building with a fence, water, electricity, and other facilities. As a starting point, 300 chickens with their food for 5 months were bought and given to ten organized youths.

Speaking at the ceremony, Dr. Bedilu Teka, the Acting President of the University, thanked the community around the university for their unreserved support since its establishment. He emphasized the university's dedication to serving the community and its commitment to realizing its three missions: teaching, research, and community service.

Mr. Endalkchew Teferi, the Administrator of Ilu Aba Bor Zone and a member of the executive board of Mattu University, on his part commended the university's efforts in supporting development initiatives. He stressed the need for the beneficiaries to maximize their efforts and achieve success promptly.

Mr. Rashid Aba Macha, the director of the South West Oromia branch of the Oromia Regional State’s Development Displaced Community Affairs Agency, expressed gratitude to the university for its support in improving the lives of citizens affected by the university's construction.

The 3-block building project is a significant step towards supporting the community and fulfilling the university's commitment to serving the community. The project will provide essential resources for poultry farming, enabling the youths to start their businesses and contribute to the local economy.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by esteemed dignitaries, university officials, and community members, who celebrated the university's commitment to community service and development. The project is expected to make a significant impact on the lives of the ten organized youths and the community at large.

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Project kick-off meeting held in Helsinki, Finland.

Mar 28, 2024

March 27/2024 (Public and International Relations) 
The COPAFEU project kick-off meeting held in Helsinki, Finland on March 14-15, 2024, marked the initiation of an innovative collaboration between higher education institutions from African and European countries. In partnership with the Hanken School of Economics, this endeavor aims to foster sustainable development through co-produced knowledge and case-based pedagogy.

Named COPAFEU, which stands for "Co-producing Knowledge on Sustainable Development through Case-based Pedagogy between African and European Higher Education Institutes," the project brings together universities from northern regions like Finland and Greece, and southern regions including Ethiopia, Tanzania, Nigeria, and South Africa.

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